Total Hip Replacement (DK)

Photographer: Emilie Toldam

Place: TBA
Date: TBA
Time: TBA


Total Hip Replacement (DK)

Danceable, funky, and full of energy. Total Hip Replacement has toured the world and played over 250 concerts, and now they are finally back to tour Denmark in 2024.

From heavy grooves to upbeat horns and flowing synthesizers, they hold nothing back when the 7-member band takes the stage and unleashes their international sound.

The lyrics address the entire world and convey a message of hope and unity. You’ll find this unity in the music itself, which combines the best of music from around the globe into a super groovy roots potpourri.


Partout ticket

Buy your partout ticket to Resonator Festival.


El Khat (IL/YE)


Bilal Irshed & Lars Fiil (PA/DK)