Photographer Tove Nyberg

Place: TBA
Date: TBA
Time: TBA



This exciting Danish-Swedish quartet takes you on a journey through animal-like vocal experiments, which, together with the relatively modern electric bass, bring minds into harmony with the emotional awakening of their music.

BITOI stands for Bass Is The Original Instrument, and the quartet focuses particularly on early musical traditions that tap into some of humanity’s deepest mechanisms, only to set them free through more updated and liberated musical experiments. Cassius Lambert leads the bass with devotion and depth through the group’s soundscapes, where it provides the instrumental foundation of the group's organic sound.

The three talented vocalists perform across the full spectrum, employing every tool at their disposal. You will experience traditional choral singing, experimental vocal techniques, phonetic bird expressions, and vocal percussion. BITOI has garnered significant attention since the group’s debut at the Intonal Festival in 2023, and now they continue their experimental and heartfelt journey all the way to this year's Resonator.


Partout Ticket

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The Sorcerers (UK)


Lenhart Tapes (RS)