Caro Luna (SE)
Place: Studenterhus Odense
Date: Saturday 9. November
Time: 16:30
Caro Luna (SE)
Caro Luna has truly walked the lands that are home to the cultures inspiring her boundary-breaking music. She grew up in Sweden with parents from Uruguay but has also traveled extensively through South America in her musical journey.
She crosses musical borders with her intimate and moving voice, drawing inspiration from some of the best South American music traditions. Brazilian folklore, Mexican rancheras, Cuban son, and the melancholic spirit of Uruguayan milongas are all present in the music Caro Luna has studied and now performs at Resonator 2024.
She has been highly productive in recent years, notably releasing her acclaimed debut album Estudio sobre el amor, followed by two subsequent EPs, and is now finishing her second full-length album—all within just a few years.
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